August 14, 2022

Modern Web Development with Python and Flask [video course]

Flask is a widely-used web framework. According StackOverflow developers survey it’s 10th most commont web framework beating even Laravel and RoR.

Do you want to start developing modern web appications using Python and Flask? I’m building a video course and a support community for engineers who want to start developing fast scalable web applications with Python. It might be your for day-to-day job or a pet-project you are working on.

What’s inside

This is a 10+ hours of videos where I will cover:

  1. Hello, world!
  2. Templates
  3. Web forms
  4. Database
  5. Authentication
  6. Error handling
  7. i18n
  8. Ajax
  9. Deployment on Linux
  10. Deployment with Docker
  11. Deployment using AWS Lambda
  12. Background jobs
  13. APIs
  14. Usage with React Apps

Course price is EUR15

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© Alexey Smirnov 2021