November 27, 2018

Background jobs with Flask

Basic request lifecycle with Flask goes like this:

  • Flask gets a request
  • is parses input parameters
  • does necessary calculations
  • and finally returns the result

This synchronous task is fine when a user needs the result of calculation immediately. Another use case is when the result is not relevant right now and the user just wants to schedule an execution of the task asynchronously.

Such scenarios include:

  • sending an email
  • creating thumbnails from uploaded images
  • starting a calculation for a long CPU intensive task

async request

Common implementation

Asynchronous tasks are usually implemented like this:

  • Flask schedules a task by putting a message into some message broker (Redis, AWS SQS, RabbitMQ) upon request
  • The broker is made available to the pool of possibly separate machines - workers
  • Workers get messages from the broker and execute tasks

This approach has a number of advantages. Firstly, it’s sharing responsibility. Instances running Flask web server are doing only one job - serving requests. If the tasks are resource demanding Flask instances won’t suffer from high memory/CPU usage and will still serve the requests. Secondly, tasks are stored in message broker. If Flask instances die it won’t affect workers and task execution.

Nothing comes for free. This structure has more points of failure then alternatives. Libraries serving brokers have bugs. Also it may looks like a over-engineering for simple tasks.

Here are some good examples of such implementations: RQ, Celery



Most basic approach is to run a task in a thread. For that to work this line should be added to uwsgi configuration file:

enable-threads = true

You should run Flask with uwsg in production of course

Code for Flask application at

import os
import time
from flask import Flask, jsonify
from threading import Thread
from tasks import threaded_task

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = os.urandom(42)

@app.route("/", defaults={'duration': 5})
def index(duration):
    thread = Thread(target=threaded_task, args=(duration,))
    thread.daemon = True
    return jsonify({'thread_name': str(,
                    'started': True})

code for a background task doing the calculation at

import time

def threaded_task(duration):
    for i in range(duration):
        print("Working... {}/{}".format(i + 1, duration))

Demo of standard Python threads:

pythread demo

uWSGI thread

Creating and running thread may be delegated to uwsgi. So you don’t interact with threading module directly. For that there is a thread decorator available from uwsgidecorators import thread (API docs)

Code for Flask app with uwsgi threads

import os
import time
from flask import Flask, jsonify
from threading import Thread
from tasks import uwsgi_task

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = os.urandom(42)

@app.route("/uwsgi_thread", defaults={'duration': 5})
def uwsgi_thread(duration):
    return jsonify({'started': True})

code implementing a task running in uwsgi thread

import time
from uwsgidecorators import thread

def uwsgi_task(duration):
    for i in range(duration):
        print("Working in uwsgi thread... {}/{}".format(i + 1, duration))

Demo for uwsgi threads:

uwsgi demo

uWSGI spooler

Above examples create a thread per request and can lead to some troubles when there are many of them. To control that a task may run in a spooler with a predefined number of executors. This however requires some configuration from uwsgi side (that is uwsgi.ini)

  • spooler = my_spools - a path to a directory to store files representing tasks. Directory should be created beforehand.
  • spooler-import = - a module containing task’s code spooler workers will import
  • spooler-frequency = 1 - how ofter workers scan spool directory for tasks
  • spooler-processes = 10 - how many workers to run

After running uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini startup log shows created processes:

spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10609
spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10610
spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10611
spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10612
spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10613
spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10614
spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10615
spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10616
spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10617
spawned the uWSGI spooler on dir /home/as/Desktop/blog/my_spools with pid 10618
spawned uWSGI worker 1 (pid: 10619, cores: 1)
spawned uWSGI worker 2 (pid: 10620, cores: 1)
spawned uWSGI worker 3 (pid: 10621, cores: 1)
spawned uWSGI worker 4 (pid: 10622, cores: 1)
spawned uWSGI worker 5 (pid: 10623, cores: 1) code is straightforward and use spool decorator from uwsgi. The task function itself should return a predefined codes though:

  • uwsgi.SPOOL_OK if all went well
  • uwsgi.SPOOL_RETRY if a job need to be retried (if it’s idempotent of course)
import time
import uwsgi
from uwsgidecorators import spool

def spool_task(args):
        duration = int(args['duration'])
        for i in range(duration):
            print("Working in uwsgi spool... {}/{}".format(i + 1, duration))
        return uwsgi.SPOOL_OK
        return uwsgi.SPOOL_RETRY calls spool_task in the route, but I struggled a but with passing parameters. I was getting such error when passing them according to the docs:

ValueError: spooler callable dictionary must contains only bytes

So I came up with simple helper that converts keyword arguments to a dictionary with keys and values that have bytes only - prepare_spooler_args. spool decorator has a pass_arguments parameter - it may be a possible solution as well.

import os
import time
from flask import Flask, jsonify
from tasks import threaded_task, uwsgi_task, spool_task, uwsgi_tasks_task

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = os.urandom(42)

def prepare_spooler_args(**kwargs):
    args = {}
    for name, value in kwargs.items():
        args[name.encode('utf-8')] = str(value).encode('utf-8')
    return args

@app.route("/uwsgi_spool", defaults={'duration': 5})
def uwsgi_spool(duration):
    args = prepare_spooler_args(duration=duration)
    return jsonify({'started': True})

Also spool_task.spool accepts an at parameter that tell the spooler to run a task at a specified unix timestamp. To use it uwsgi_spool route code:

@app.route("/uwsgi_spool", defaults={'duration': 5})
def uwsgi_spool(duration):
    at = int(time.time()) + 3 # delay by 3s
    args = prepare_spooler_args(duration=duration, at=at)
    return jsonify({'started': True})


uwsgi demo

Wrapping up spooler

uwsgi-tasks library (pypi) wraps all the uwsgi spooler workings, especially argument passing. Also I found controlling retries as a useful feature.

Further thoughts.

uSWGI spooler is great for simple tasks. It becomes more robust with external spooler support and networking, but at that level it starts resemble a common approach with all it’s drawbacks.

The whole code is available at GitHub

Do you use background jobs with Flask? Drop me a message on linkedin

© Alexey Smirnov 2023